Chris Watkins
Board Member
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.
This website is the history of TLOT ministry from year 2003 to 2016. If you want to follow latest news of the ministry go to the link below.
Contact Us:  The Least of These  890 SE Bay Blvd., Unit 210  Newport, OR  97365  Email:  Phone: (541) 256-5501 This website is protected by copyright, it's content in whole or in part may not be reproduced or used without the express written permission of  The Least of These ©2003 -  2018 Copyright -  The Least of These All Rights Reserved.
The events that brought me to penning this biography for The Least of These may seem trivial and non-descript to the reader, but for me I recognize the awesome hand of God moving and directing my life over the years. I moved to the Oregon Coast for employment in 1980. The following year I rededicated my life to Christ and began the life long pursuit of God. I met and married my wonderful husband Mark in 1983 in Newport, Oregon. In the early years of our marriage, we both taught Sunday school, and helped with the youth program of our local church. Over the past twenty years, I have been involved in different aspects of Christian service.
I have taught Sunday school, helped with teen youth groups, played keyboard for our church worship team, and taught Women’s Bible study groups. I help with my son and daughter’s school, both in the classroom and specific projects. These have included reading programs, math help, fundraising, booster groups, and site council’s for the local school. There have been a few events that have transpired in my life that have directly altered the course of my life. One of these events was the opportunity to travel to the Crimea region in the Ukraine. I worked with The Least of These organization at a summer camp for orphan children. Those two weeks influenced my life in several different ways. The first came as I witnessed the suffering of children in ways that I had never seen before. The second direct impact was God impressing me to be “His hands and His feet, to go where He would send me.” I felt the mandate from God to give of my time and resources for these children. In actuality, what I have given has been so small, compared to all that I have received through the children of the Ukraine. This year, 2003, was my second trip to the Ukraine. This trip was very special for me because my 15 year old son, Tyler, was also a part of our ministry team at Camp Gorney. I am looking forward to our next summer’s outreaches in Crimea, Ukraine.
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