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Christal Dever
 With team leaders like Vitaly and Marina along with Ukrainian and American team members the young orphans sat with intensity watching the skits, absorbing like a sponge. One camp worker named Victor said "Thanks for giving us hope!" I was sensing God was building a network of godly influence in an area that is against all Christian witness.
 At the beginning of one of our sessions we asked the orphans what do they want most for God to do in their lives? The answer was unanimous…..they want to be adopted and have a family. The sadness and heartbreak of those left behind when their friends leave for America is the hardest thing to see. Some say they are too old, others are told "you have done something wrong, you are not wanted".
  I pray that God will comfort their hearts and open a door for them to enter into His grace and prepare the plans he has for their lives. How sad it was to see the eyes of those as we departed on our bus, staring in the windows looking back at us saying, "Take me with you!" faces that will be with me a long time. A compassion stirs my heart to continue to keep them in my prayers after my return to the US.
  I know that some of them have accepted Jesus already and words from their mouths say they believe. Someday I will see them again. I must trust the words that God says "He is the Father to the fatherless". He will take care of them.
  It all the more causes me to show love to those I have at home, those who I take for granted to know I love them. We need each other, each individual God created in his image. Oh how he loves you and me.
Christal Dever
In 1999 God captured my heart with my first visit to Ukraine to minister to the orphans in the Crimean Peninsula. Now, 7 visits later, I did not know what to expect. Each visit holding special unique situations unlike the previous. But one fact remained true, children needed to be loved.
   I was hoping to see some familiar faces, which was not to be. However, I was pleased to learn that many had been adopted. Praise the Lord. Before I left the US I found out that many children in my hometown area had been adopted from Russian and Ukrainian orphanages. None that I knew personally, but God was showing he was answering prayers. He was taking these children out of the orphanage system and placing them in loving families as well as hearing his Gospel message.
  We had a wonderful team of Americans and Ukrainian Bible students. God did excellent things through drama, skits, games and "one on one" heart sharing love – "Jesus with skin on".
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.