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Fall 2008
Dear friends and prayer partners,
 The outreaches and programs were incredibly blessed!!!! God continues to open doors even more than we can imagine.  
In Sevastopol we partnered with a Sevastopol church for a 3 day day camp. There were over 100 children from nearby villages who participated in the camp. We believe a local church will be planted in these villages. We also had programs at three orphanages, were asked to speak at Sunday services at Pastor Andre’s, met with Vaysa, a graduate of Ditskey Dome #2 and had a wonderful visit with Alex & Sveta (and their children Elijah, Karina, Evon).
Belogorsk Region
God is moving in this 70% Tartar Region. Can you imagine having STRONG CHRISTIAN PROGRAMS IN SCHOOLS AND KINDERGARTENS???? Well we did!!! We had 20 programs in villages throughout this Region. The Holy Sprit anointed the programs, many children and staff were blessed. Even the teachers and Principals gave their approval. Many seeds were sown.
The children at the large Internot in Kerch were very happy to see us again. One girl told Vitalik, “you said you would come in November and you came to us”.  The Least of These is one of the only things in their lives they can TRUST. We had great programs, prayed with the children and they also prayed for each other and us. We also had programs at Ditskey Dome #2 and a children’s TB hospital. We were also blessed by many wonderful and productive meetings, setting up camps for 2009, hiring a missionary for Kerch, and miraculously organizing 2,500 Samaritan Purse Shoe Boxes for the Belogorsk Region.
My prayer for this trip was, “Lord Jesus, open the children’s eyes to see, their ears to hear and their hearts to receive your gospel message”.  OUR PRAYERS WERE ANSWERED!!!!!
Thank you for your prayers and financial support.
God bless,
Rich Richmond
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.