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The Least of These ©2003 -
2016 Copyright -
The Least of These All Rights Reserved.
Jana Sundberg
This website is protected by copyright, it's content in whole or in part may not be reproduced or used without the express written permission of
The Least of These ©2003 -
2018 Copyright -
The Least of These All Rights Reserved.
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.
My trip to the Ukraine was an experience of a lifetime. I have never participated in a missions trip before so this was all new for me. Traveling out of the country was fund, sometimes challenging, and very eye- opening. I must admit that I know we are blessed to live in the United States and enjoy the freedoms that we have. I was touched by all I saw happening at the orphanage. It took a while for the teenagers to open up - they are like teenagers here in the U.S. They stand back and watch awhile then show some interest. While I can't count numbers, I do know that God was working on hearts there and He will continue to do His work. During the 8 days of our orphan camp I was privileged to become acquainted with a few of the teenagers. One in particular drew me: his name is Sergei and he was 16 years old. During the course of the week, I was allowed to sit and talk through the translator, and he asked to accept Jesus in his heart. His biggest drawback to this was that he couldn't it be good enough.
The translator, Vikki, and I explained you can never be good enough and that Jesus doesn't require that from us. He just wants us as we are and He'll work in our heart and lives to bring change as a result of His presence in us. During his prayer, I could envision the angels in heaven cheering. My heart was changed and I felt such a compassion for this young man. I know the chances are slim of seeing this young man again (until heaven). I pray daily that God directs his steps and brings people into his life to continue to nurture his heart for Jesus. I was amazed by the country as a whole. It seems as if the children are the lowest level of society. The orphans are the lowest of all even the animals seem to receive more care than the orphans. I observed families at the hotel we stayed at and even their children were not treated like they were loved. It seems to me that the country as a whole needs to learn to value their greatest asset their children. I definitely felt the oppression this country is under. The children, especially the orphans, are truly the lost children of the Ukraine. Should you go on a mission's trip? Yes! Yes! Yes! The challenge to you, and the growth to your walk with the Lord will be amazing. Short term missions are something that each and every Christian should participate in at least once in their lifetime. The experiences, challenges, and rewards are life changing. Our God is a GREAT God and that regardless of me, my inadequacies, my fears, etc., He will do what He sets out to do. It does please Him when I simply make myself available.