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God bless,
Rich Richmond
The Least of These
914 SW Coast Hwy, STE 101
Newport, OR 97365
Summer 2012 Kids’ Crusades
The Puppets
The Team
The Kids
Each year the church we partner with for the Kid's Crusade does more and more to prepare for the Crusade. Great flyers were handed out. New decorations for the church grounds. But most important the church had people come to the church's prayer room and pray for the programs each day as they were happening.
Each of the three days we had between 80 and 100+ children. The Least of These and people from the church sang songs, did puppets, had many skits and, of course, did the crafts.
It is our prayer that many of these kids will come to know Jesus and want to come to church.
Thank you Pastor Homenko for all you do for the children of Kerch.
Vitalik and I were also asked to share God's word on Sunday.
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.