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The Least of These ©2003 -
2016 Copyright -
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This was an amazing experience! God did so many things in my heart and I pray in to the lives of many children. One of the greatest things I saw was how God would bring certain children across my path needing ministry. Wednesday, July 2nd was one of those days. God woke me around 4:30 a.m. to birds singing outside and the sun beginning to shine. I got up and went out into the foyer to pray and read my Bible. While I was doing my devotions two boys, Slava and Kostya, came into the hall. They came over to me and I started sharing the Lord with them. They had enough English and with my little bit of Russian I was able to visit with them.
Kerch Kids at Alushta
The Lord directed me to read John 3:16 with the boys and as I began to read Kostya started saying it along with me. I shared a little more with them about what this verse meant and then they left. Later that day as we were walking to the Black Sea with the kids, I slipped and twisted my ankle slightly. A 13-year-old boy, Alosha, came up and helped me. When we arrived at the beach I lost sight of him, but later saw him standing by himself looking so sad and cold. I went up and wrapped my towel around him and he just clung to me and cried. I know God is breaking down walls in his heart. There is so much hurt there. God gave me such a compassion for Alosha and every time I would see him I would make sure he received a hug or pat on the back. I would try to share the love of Jesus with him, but he did not seem responsive. The day before we left, I gave him a photo frame with "Jesus loves you, Alosha" written in Russian and a personal message about how special he is to God. I know He is God's child and although I did not see any fruit a seed was planted. Please pray for Alosha. I know God has great plans for his life.
I also saw how God was working through the programs. Although, our programs would often start out with very few children by the end we would have forty to fifty kids. It was amazing to see how many older boys and teachers would show up for the program. I had been praying before coming over that God would move in the hearts and lives of the workers and older children and I saw God directing this. These boys and the teachers who attended are the leaders of tomorrow and will be able to speak into the lives of the younger children. The last day Marina led the children in a prayer and I believe lives were and will continue to be changed because of our programs.
This experience has changed my life forever. My heart has been permanently knit to the people and especially the children in Ukraine. These children so desperately need to know how much Jesus loves them and how valuable they are to Him. I pray, Lord willing, that I may be able to return soon. In the mean time I will continue to pray for them. Please join me in praying for the children.
One final story of encouragement to me and testimony that what this ministry is doing is not in vain. The day before we left a boy, Elusha, came into our room during devotions and participated with us. Vitalik had not designated anyone to do devotions and so asked if anyone would like to share anything on their heart. This was a God thing. Elusha began sharing his faith with us and then prayed a mighty prayer over the team. Glory to God! Go forth and share the gospel and then let the little children lead us!  
This website is protected by copyright, it's content in whole or in part may not be reproduced or used without the express written permission of
The Least of These ©2003 -
2018 Copyright -
The Least of These All Rights Reserved.
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.