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Spring 2005
The April team was made up of five students from Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary, Vitalik Dudukaloff Ukrainian National Director for The Least of These, Matt Colman Missionary to Russia and Rich and Sherrel Richmond. The first week the team ministered at the Kindergarten and Rasheed's internot in Kerch. There are about 40 children at the Kindergarten and 425 children at the Internot. The children and staff at the Kindergarten were very receptive to the 3 days of programs. It is much more difficult to minister at the internot. Some of the teachers are less than receptive to the Gospel Message. The teachers at times interfere with the programs. we are working hard to develop good working relationships with all of the staff and believe this will help reach more of the children. Each time we minister at the Internot we can see improvement in our relationship with the staff.
We left very early Sunday morning to visit Pastor's Victors Church and the orphanage. We toured the construction site of the orphanage and attended Church services with Victor. After church Victor provided a great lunch and we also had a wonderful time of fellowship. The team then left for Sevastopol for the second week of outreaches.
In Sevastopol we had programs at Internot #1 and Orphan House #2. The Least of These has been working with these children here in Sevastopol and at Camp Gorney for 7 years. Not only do we tell the Story of Jesus, we are able to mentor many of the kids. Having Alex and Sveta working with the kids on a ongoing bases has helped build long term stability both with the kids and Administration of the orphanages. With Alex and Sveta relationship with the local churches the increased awareness of the plight of the children is helping The Least of These partner with many of the local churches. We are looking forward to spending two weeks with most of these children at Camp Gorney this summer.
Below is a photo album the April outreaches. I hope you enjoy the many faces of the children we were able to share the LOVE OF JESUS with.
Yuri Vitalik Sherrel Sergey Yana Rich Evelina Anna Matt
Kerch Kindergarten Pictures
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.