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Summer 2007 Camp Gorney
Vitalik, the National Director for The Least of These in Ukraine, pastor and powerful man of God along with his wife Marina, lead the Camp Gorney team. Family was the theme of our programs. Many relationships were developed between the team members and children through the programs, skits, songs, crafts, a three-day hike and hours of loving and hugging the children. For the first time we were also able to incorporate four team members from a church in Sevastopol. This church plans to work with the children upon their return to the orphanages.  This will be a huge blessing to all the children.
Many children came to know or renew their relationship with Jesus. God blessed the time with the children. Please take time to read the testimonies of three of the team members. The testimonies reflect how God touches lives; lives of the children, lives of staff and lives of team members.  
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The Least of These ©2003 -
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The Least of These All Rights Reserved.
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.