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The Least of These
890 SE Bay Blvd., Unit 210
Newport, OR 97365
Phone: (541) 961 3350
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Graduation in “Light” club
Summer just started, school year is over,
children moved up the grade and went for
long summer vacations! In the club we
celebrated end of the academic year and
graduation of children that were moving up
our club age groups. God brought that day
much more children than we expected.
Together with them and some of their
parents we reminded ourselves of the past
year. Looked through all good moments
that were captured on video or photo
beginning from September 2018. Only
when you stop to look back you realize how
much was going through this short period
of time!
‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least
of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Matthew 25:40
The Least of These
Children answered questions about Bible stories
that they have learned throughout the year, sang
songs with actions, danced together, and had
delicious lunch. At the end of our program each
kid got a present of sweets and fruits. A good end
of the year! The summer started and it does not
mean that children will not come to the club until
September but now our main focus is on
upcoming camp, bicycle trips, and other summer
activities. It was great to recall memorable
moments of the past year and it is time to get
ready for the busy summer that’s coming up!
This year we made “Light” club passports for
children, with their photos, some information
about them, and stickers for each time they
attend the club. Those kids who were faithful in
their attendance and had passports received
certificates of faithfulness with official “Light” club
stamp. The certificates were made to look very
representative to show them how valuable is to be
continuous in your walk with the Lord and in
everything you do.