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‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40
The Least of These
Contact Us: The Least of These P. O. Box 312 Toledo, OR 97391 Email: richtlot@gmail.com Phone: (541) 961 3350
Phillip the youngest son of Vitaliy and Marina came home for the first time in 8 months since he joined the army! Therefore, we organized a meeting with him and two other Christian service men in the center of Plesetske. The goal was for civilians to hear the stories of our soldiers and their view on situation in Ukraine. After talking to Phillip, Roman and Volodymyr we had several conclusions. First, it is extremely important to get out of our peaceful informational bubble and hear or read about the war because it is our reality. Second, we all need to do something to help our army and be always ready for anything that might happen. This includes learning how to provide first aid, choosing a unit for service, learning how to shoot and so on. Third, we need to support our soldiers morally and do it in a wise way because stupid questions or comments might trigger a negative reaction from them. We as civilians should embrace the reality that we live in and get ready for it. It was an extremely important meeting not only for us but for the soldiers as well. We thanked them and told them how much we appreciate their service. We cherished them in that moment and tried to show them how much we wait for their return. As Christ, who is with us in any circumstances, we ought to be with our defenders as the church of Christ.
Meeting Phillip
‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40
The Least of These
We are in social media
This website is protected by copyright, it's content in whole or in part may not be reproduced or used without the express written permission of The Least of These ©2003 - 2018 Copyright - The Least of These All Rights Reserved.
Phillip the youngest son of Vitaliy and Marina came home for the first time in 8 months since he joined the army! Therefore, we organized a meeting with him and two other Christian service men in the center of Plesetske. The goal was for civilians to hear the stories of our soldiers and their view on situation in Ukraine. After talking to Phillip, Roman and Volodymyr we had several conclusions. First, it is extremely important to get out of our peaceful informational bubble and hear or read about the war because it is our reality. Second, we all need to do something to help our army and be always ready for anything that might happen. This includes learning how to provide first aid, choosing a unit for service, learning how to shoot and so on. Third, we need to support our soldiers morally and do it in a wise way because stupid questions or comments might trigger a negative reaction from them. We as civilians should embrace the reality that we live in and get ready for it. It was an extremely important meeting not only for us but for the soldiers as well. We thanked them and told them how much we appreciate their service. We cherished them in that moment and tried to show them how much we wait for their return. As Christ, who is with us in any circumstances, we ought to be with our defenders as the church of Christ.
Contact Us: The Least of These P. O. Box 312 Toledo, OR 97391 Email: richtlot@gmail.com Phone: (541) 961 3350
Meeting Phillip