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This website is protected by copyright, it's content in whole or in part may not be reproduced or used without the express written permission of The Least of These ©2003 - 2018 Copyright - The Least of These All Rights Reserved.
‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40
The Least of These
Contact Us: The Least of These P. O. Box 312 Toledo, OR 97391 Email: richtlot@gmail.com Phone: (541) 961 3350
A part of our team went through a preparation course for summer camps in Lviv. Majority of them was youth that previously used to be in our summer camps as kids but today they are young and promising leaders. They went through a three-day course with seminars on mentorship, sports, coordination of a camp, and other aspects of this fun ministry. For some of them it was a first training course and for others it was even a first trip away from home. In addition to all the knowledge they acquired there they won an amazing prize for our camp: we will have a team of sport instructors come to our camp with their high quality props and lead sport through the whole duration of our camp! Thus, we are looking forward to this year’s summer camp and eagerly wait for God to work miracles in children’s hears.
Training course in Lviv
‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40
The Least of These
We are in social media
This website is protected by copyright, it's content in whole or in part may not be reproduced or used without the express written permission of The Least of These ©2003 - 2018 Copyright - The Least of These All Rights Reserved.
A part of our team went through a preparation course for summer camps in Lviv. Majority of them was youth that previously used to be in our summer camps as kids but today they are young and promising leaders. They went through a three-day course with seminars on mentorship, sports, coordination of a camp, and other aspects of this fun ministry. For some of them it was a first training course and for others it was even a first trip away from home. In addition to all the knowledge they acquired there they won an amazing prize for our camp: we will have a team of sport instructors come to our camp with their high quality props and lead sport through the whole duration of our camp! Thus, we are looking forward to this year’s summer camp and eagerly wait for God to work miracles in children’s hears.
Contact Us: The Least of These P. O. Box 312 Toledo, OR 97391 Email: richtlot@gmail.com Phone: (541) 961 3350
Training course in Lviv