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Sunday Club 04-03-16
SUNDAY CLUB April 3, 2016
There were 29 kids with 4 new children. Great time! Starting next Sunday we will have 3 groups of children -
young, middle age and older.
We have two prayer requests:
1. That God would show Vitalik & Marina the building or land to have a multi-
purpose building to be used 7 days a week to share the love of Jesus with the children, youth and their parents of our village,Plesetskoye. Helping children with their homework, Bible studies, English speaking club, feeding program, mentoring programs for the ENTIRE FAMILY.
2. That God will lead Vitalik & Marina to workers to help in the ministry and that new leaders can be trained to help reach The Least of These of this village and throughout Ukraine.
Thanks and God bless,
Vitalik & Marina
Rich & Sherrel
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.