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Fall 2009
The time at the Kerch Internot was different this trip. We could not have programs - we had GREAT FELLOWSHIP with the children!!!!
The Mental Internot
Belogorsk Region
Mental Internot
The H1N1 quarantine left us with just seven teachers to minister to in one kindergarten. Five of those seven teachers were very receptive to the Gospel. We had snow that day.  Because of the quarantine there were no children in the kindergarten. The teachers brought their own children and wanted a program.
We met a new foster family.
We ministered to the foster family we have worked with for years in Belogorsk.
We preached the full Gospel message and it was received with great favor.  The kids came to the program even with the quarantine.
Kid’s Club with about 20 kids
Village Program
The kids came to the program
even with the quarantine.
Street Ministry
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.