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Spring 2009
PLEASE KEEP PRAYING!!!! There is no doubt God is working on earth today the same way as in the times of the acts of the apostles. Jesus said that the same works he had done among us we will do too and even more. But sometimes it is hard for us to believe that God will raise someone from the dead by our prayer. And sometimes we stop talking about Jesus to people because some people are not very happy with that. Well, each trip of our missionary team to Crimea has its own flavor. And though there was no one raised from the dead yet, however, we had not stopped talking to children about Jesus notwithstanding some people's dissatisfaction. This trip we were witnesses of abundance of God’s favor in all we did and everywhere we went. (Vitalik Dudukaloff)
Rich Richmond
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The Least of These ©2003 -
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The Least of These All Rights Reserved.
The Team
Vitalik Dudukaloff
We arrived in Sevastopol at 6 AM Thursday morning. We had two great programs with kids from two villages just outside of Sevastopol. These two villages are two of the five villages we ministered in last summer. These are totally un-churched kids. The next two days we had programs in three orphanages in Sevastopol and the Sevastopol Shelter. Being able to get into the orphanages is a huge MIRACLE!! We had been told that the directors of the orphanages would not let us in. (Rich Richmond)
Our fist place of ministry was Sevastopol. This city is somewhat like Capernaum in Bible days. It is located on the sea and has both very dedicated followers and hard hearted adversaries. Each time we go there we have mixed emotions. In previous years there we had no problems getting into orphanages to see kids, fellowship with them, and maybe sing a few songs. This time our helper who contacted orphanages' administration said that at one place they are open for us to come, two places didn’t really want to see us, and one place they were asking to buy them something. Of course our policy is to minister to all children we possibly can and try to avoid any gifts. So we went there anyway and had no gifts. An amazing thing happened. We were accepted everywhere, most places with joy from both children and teachers and we were even able to do three programs with songs and skits. Isn’t it God’s favor? One of the girls in the orphanage shared with us that she loves the Lord and sometimes on Sundays she runs away from the orphanage to go to church. Even though in the beginning the mission seemed to be impossible God’s favor was there to help us through. (Vitaly Dudukaloff)
Vitalik, Sherrel and I spent Saturday evening and night fellowshipping with Alex, Sveta and family.  Sunday the team went to church in Balaclava where Rich shared the word of God.  After church and lunch with Sveta the team headed to Belogorsk. (Rich Richmond)
Belogorsk Region
We have received Samaritans Purse "like" boxes from an organization in Scotland, about 800 total.  When we were inventorying the boxes it was discovered that almost half of them were for adults.  What to do???  I knew it had not surprised God but it had me.  You just never see adult boxes and we had had plans for these boxes for children in poor remote villages.  After much prayer and a confirming email from Matt Coleman in Russia, we got on board with God’s plan.  We decided to give the gift boxes to staff and teachers where we were having the programs.  Pastor Vitalik and Pastor Yuri shared the gospel with the teachers and prayed the sinner’s prayer.  The very first program we did in Belogorsk Region two of the teachers started to openly cry when we thanked them for their hard work with the children.  They listened intently while the good news about Jesus was shared and all the teachers prayed the sinner’s prayer.  What a MIRACLE!!!  This was the theme for the 25 programs we had in the Belogorsk Region. Thank you Jesus for the lives you are changing in children and adults. (Rich Richmond)
Teacher Gifts
Foster Family
The second place we ministered at was Belogorsk Region -our most favorite place. People (mainly Tatars) live there in poor conditions, not much industry going, and very basic social environment. Kindergartens and schools were very happy to receive a group of people that brought some puppets, skits, and songs to make a simple but very bright concert. After a program a couple local pastors would get together with teachers or caretakers and share with them a word of thankfulness for what these people are doing for children, give them some gifts and pray the sinner’s prayer. Just to let you know what an impact it all had on children and teachers, the whole atmosphere in those places was changing, kids were extremely happy. When sinner’s prayer was read with teachers most of them, both Tatars and Russian, were praying and some were even crying. That was a huge outpouring of God’s grace! One place, I should say, the principal of the school came and stopped the program right in the middle of a song because she got really scared of one parent complaining. As we found out later there is a long story behind it and the strongest motive of the principal was fear. To make long story short, when you are effective Satan really doesn’t like that. But we as followers of Christ have learned to receive all persecution as a blessing. With all of that said we felt that this trip to Belogorsk was one of the most successful since the day we started to come there 3 years ago. (Vitaly Dudukaloff)
Kerch was our third place of ministry. Coming to the orphanage where we minister is like coming to a church. During the years our teams and other Christian groups come there kids learned a lot about God, some of them know God personally, they pray with us and witness God’s glory. One time after we prayed together in a circle holding each other’s hands one boy quietly had shared with me his short testimony. He said ‘No one taught me to pray and no one told me that I should pray. One time in the night I saw a nightmare. I woke up and I just knew that I have to pray.’ Of course I had to explain to him that it was the Holy Spirit who told him to pray and taught him how to do it. But isn’t it God’s favor that we hear these stories and receive a confirmation that our labor is not in vain but seeds we sow eventually bring fruit. One orphanage in Kerch we used to go to refused to receive us. I think because they learned that we are not bringing them any gifts. But God had another plan.  There was another orphanage we never had been at that received us. The program there was amazingly successful and the head teacher said they will be happy to see us there any time. God’s favor was right there to help us in this matter as well.
Mental Internot
Kerch Internot
As I read Hebrews 10th and 11th chapters today I went through some examples of people living by faith. At the end of the 11th chapter the author makes a statement ‘and there is not enough time for us to mention all other people (who live by faith)’. Same thing I can say that there is not enough time to mention about hundreds of other testimonies of what God had done on this trip. He is wonderful. May his favor follow you today. (Vitaly Dudukaloff)
Your prayers and financial support have made these miracles possible.
God bless,
Rich Richmond
The Least of These
914 SW Coast Hwy, STE 101
Newport, OR   97365
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.