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Summer 2010 Camp Hope
Every Day
Nearly every day the kids went to the beach.  The Black Sea is a favorite of the Ukrainians.  There were eight days of crafts.  This was one of the favorite times for the kids.
Day One
Kids came to camp, medical check in, assigned dorm to live in, had GREAT lunch & supper, and informal program in the evening.
The story of creation. God created everything!!!!! In the skit the heart, foot, eye, and little finger showed that the smallest can sometimes be the most valuable. A bug flew into the eye and the heart could not help, the foot was also no help, but the little finger removed the bug from the eye. In the afternoon activity a plane crashed in the camp. The kids had to find the hurt passengers (the team), treat their wounds, and carry them to a safe area. They had to learn to work together.
Day Two
Day Three
Each day we would pray before meals, the food at camp is soooo good. This is a huge blessing for the children. The faces of the children reflected the joy of having such great food and lots of it!!!
The programs contained songs, skits, and dramas. In the garden of Eden Eve was tempted by the serpent. She eats of the fruit and gives it to Adam to also eat. The fall of man. The children's participation in the drams was a blessing. How do people react when caught stealing a watch. In repentance there was forgiveness. The next skit showed that when you mess around with sin it can capture you. Again with repentance you can be set free.  That evening we had a talent show. It was GREAT.
The kids are made up as animals and go into the ark and are saved. The puppet show was about obeying your mama and papa. We played games many days.
Abraham and Sara were old when God gave them Isaac. Abraham loved Isaac very much. God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham was obedient to God, got early and followed God‘s instructions, he prepared the alter, got the wood for the fire ready, laid Isaac on the alter. Has Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac God provided a ram for the sacrifice. PTL !!!!
Next was an illustration of trust. The kids would get on a stool,be told to be careful as the stool was raised high into the air. When in reality the stool was only raise an inch or two off the ground. Then they were told to jump. The puppet show was about animals from Africa. The team also sang many wonderful songs each day.
Day 6 Birth of Jesus
The kids gathered to see what was about happen. Mary and Joseph looked for a place to spend the night. Jesus was born. Joseph taught Jesus to a good carpenter. Jesus teaches the people. Heals the sick. Feeds the multitudes. Has compassion for the women caught in adultery, tells the women to go and sin no more. Washes the feet of his disciples.
That evening we played a game called BEEFER. The there were several stations were the kids had to do tasks. The Beefers would try to hit them with a sock filled with flour.
Days 8&9  Forgiveness —Love— Bible -
Great skit on how Jesus changes lives. Worried sadness —anger disobedience transformed into Piece - Joy Love Obedience. The next skit was about the manager that was forgiven but would not forgive a small debt. Vitalik the showed how God can heal a broken heart.
The kids gave many testimonies.  
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.