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A Broken Promise
In March of 2014 we broke our promise for the first time in 17 years.  Because of the Russian occupation of Crimea we were unable to get into Crimea and minister to the orphans and Tatars.  Now as Russia has illegally declared that Crimea is part of Russia there is great uncertainty of what will happen to the orphans, Tatars, churches, pastors and believers. There are reports that Putin plans to close many of the orphanages, deport the Tatars again and even some reports say that pastors and Christians who have stayed loyal to Ukraine will also be deported to concentration like camps in Russia’s mainland.  We are concerned for all citizens of Crimea. No one knows what will happen.
Here in the Kiev area the new government is trying to climb out from under the stronghold of corruption.  This is made even more difficult by the overwhelming threat of Russia’s invasion of the mainland of Ukraine.  Russia has over 100,000 troops now in place on the eastern and northern boarders of Ukraine.  From the closest place on the northern boarder it is only 100 miles from Kiev.  Some are saying that it would take the Russian army 4 hours or less to be in Kiev.  So the people in Ukraine are living under incredible pressure.
In all this turmoil and uncertainty the church is alive and well.  There is a unity among denominations that we have never seen in Ukraine before.  You may ask how can we Americans help.  In the future I am certain there will be incredible need for financial support for the orphans, Tatars, believers and citizens of Crimea.   
TODAY Ukraine needs your prayers.
Dennis, a friend, wrote “Warring angels are assigned to your battle”.  Another friend, Jacquie, wrote “I had a vision in church last night while we were worshipping.  I saw enormous angels in white, glowing all over Ukraine, facing to the north and facing to the east.”
Pray the Ukrainian people will choose to serve Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. 
Pray that the enemy's strongholds will be BROKEN and the Russian army and Putin will suffer complete defeat by the hand of God. Not one bullet will be fired and ALL of Crimea returned to Ukraine.
Pray the evil spirit of communism will be defeated by God’s power in Ukraine and in Russia.
Pray for wisdom and boldness for the Ukrainian people.
2 Chronicles 7:14
In His service,
Rich & Sherrel Richmond
The Least of These
890 SE Bay Blvd, Unit 210
Newport, OR  97365
The occupation of Crimea by the Russian Army has affected almost all people living in Crimea.  The overwhelming sense of helplessness and hopelessness.  A giant compared to a child.  The Russian Army soldiers have NO insignias country or rank.
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.
By Rich and Sherrel Richmond As printed in the Winds of Praise Newspaper April 2014 Vol. 13 No. 4
When we left Crimea, Ukraine in November of 2013, ending our 16th year of ministry in Crimea, who would have thought that this might be the last time we would see the hundreds of orphans, Tatars and co-workers in Christ. When it was time to leave the orphans we would always promise them that we would be back on our next trip to Crimea; in April, in July and in November. After a few years the orphans would come to us and say “you came back just like you said you would”. We had been the only adults in these children’s lives that had kept their promises to them. Deep friendships and trust have been developed over the years, a trust that will allow these children to listen and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. NLT