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   One way or another all churches of the village were involved in preparation and conducting of this event. All team members diligently practiced skits, songs, worked on decorations, props and invitations. We had one big question in our heads how many kids will come? Thank God the celebration went well! We had about 60 children and 30 adults. We talked to them about being friends with each other and being friends with God. Kids saw a puppet skit, a friendship story, sang songs, had a small treat, worked on their crafts and played games. The time went by very quickly. It was so pleasant to see smiles on children’s faces. This was a reward for our labor.
  Next celebration is going to be on Aug. 17.  We are expecting more kids to come and want to start inviting them to Sunday schools in two churches of our village. 
  We want to say a huge thank you to all who made this celebration possible. And praise to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Marina Dudukalova
Plesetska Outreach 2014
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.
Ukraine is going through a difficult time. All thoughts go to the East of the country, to it’s people and the Ukrainian army. And, of course, we remember the orphans, Tatars and families we have ministered with for years. Despite all that we understand what Ukraine is going to be tomorrow depends on what we are doing today. And who else but our children are the future of our country. We want to give them our best. I don’t remember who said it “If we will not talk to children about God later we will have to talk to God about our children”. Last Sunday (Aug 03, 2014) we held a children’s celebration in our village of Plesetska.