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2018 Copyright -
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Thank you a lot that you have given us such opportunity to minister to these children. Thank God that you invested into this project, so many finances and love; that you have listened to a need in another part of the world. May the Lord bless you for everything that you have done for us and these children. Children loved every day in the camp. We had different games everyday, Bible lessons and crafts. Everyone loved to go to the sea, sun bathing, play volleyball, soccer, basketball. One day we had a Bible lesson about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We had an alter call. Almost all children that day prayed the sinner’s prayer. All of them were crying, praying, repenting. After that , at the end of the camp, they shared their experiences after repentance. How everything was changing, turning around and how they felt the presence of God in their hearts. On the last day children on our team were saying goodbye and crying. This camp was full of God’s grace and love. The Holy Spirit was with all of us. A huge thank you. We love you and God loves you too.
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.