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  Peace to you. I want to express my gratitude for your support of the ministry of The Least of These. If not for your support, then probably there would not have been the harvest. Praise God for you and your participation. My name is Natasha and I live in Bielaya Tserkov Region, Kiev Oblast. I didn’t have camps like this in my childhood. But praise God that there is the one who finds, forgives and loves. Probably, if I would have gotten to a camp like this in my childhood, then I would not have had mistakes and wounds that Satan caused me in my life. Every trap that he set for me was deadly and seemed like there as no rescue. Praise God for this ministry where God opens eyes to the blind, sets the captives free and gives opportunity to walk around traps that were meant for those who didn’t hear the word of God. Since last year’s camp, I have heard that the seed that was planted gave fruit and it makes my heart rejoice. This trip also has changed the hearts of many children and my heart as well. I thank God for you and your sacrifice.
May the Lord bless you. Amen
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.