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Hello dear brothers and sister in Jesus Christ,
  My name is Julia and I want to thank you for your financial support of this wonderful camp where God was working. I used to be addicted to drugs, alcohol and gambling, with selfish love. I have a son who is 11 years who also was here. Thank you. I came to God 2 years ago in November 2008. Since then I studied and Bible School, went on short mission trips and didn’t have work. But I had a desire to spend some time with my son and God has met this desire of my heart because of you. (My son was living with my mother). It was my first time in children’s ministry. I was a caretaker with children from 7 to 11 years old. I saw how God loves these children through us and changes their hearts in such short period of time. I believe that everything that they say and hear will remain I their hearts and will help them to make a decision to do right. I thank God that I was able to work on such a wonderful team of professionals – “Rich”.  
   Thank you again for all of you and thanks to Jesus that he gave me and my son such a gift. May God of heaven and earth reward you a thousand times.
Your sister,
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.