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The Least of These ©2003 -
2018 Copyright -
The Least of These All Rights Reserved.
To The Least of These supporters,
Big thank you for all people that made this camp successful.  God bless you and many times more.  You gave the hope and chance of repentance for a lot of children, thank you.  Thank you God, that never leaves us and made big work in these children.  With his help 50+ children came to repentance.  When children were standing to sing songs with us I wanted to cry because God was changing them.
This camp became a growing experience and changed me.  It was hard to love, minister and to forgive but God helped us and the results were big.  Children started to pray, sing songs with us.  Big thank you to God for this beautiful time.  All blessings to everyone who contributed to this camp.
Daniel, Son of Vitalik & Marina
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.