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Camp Hope 2012
To The Least of These supporters,
   This camp had to be a different camp. Many things that happened happened for the first time. First, large amount of children, 90 boys. Second, half of them were over 14 years old and up to 19 years old. Third, along with children we had teachers from the orphanage alongside. Because of all that we were nervous. We knew that with our own strength we won’t make it. But praise God we have God! He made a miracle. It was one of our best camps and one of our best teams. I saw how delegation principle worked when every team member has a responsibility for what they are doing, where everyone was trying to help each other. It was great to see how God was using every one of us. The team worked well together. Children had changed. We had trust in our relationships, hearts softened and the openness came. I want to say thank you to God for this wonderful time, for the team, for those who financed this trip. Your donations were not in vain.
Marina (Vitalik’s wife)
Marina Dudukaloff
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.