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Today is the last day in the camp.  It is very sad to leave the team and most important to leave the children.
When we were asked to work in this camp I thought that I will go and rest on the sea and get a tan because I have never been truly in a camp.  But when we arrived here I understood that ministering to children in a Christian camp, it is not a time of rest. But it is work for all, 100%.  Energy flowing from team members is spreading all over and inspiring everyone.  I saw how children were inspired with this energy, with love that was given to them by the team everyday more and more.  It is a big blessing for everyone.
I am very thankful that I’ve been asked to be on the team.  Now I will look at a lot of things from a different perspective.  I saw how adults and mature men were jumping on the stage and were acting like children.  It was very inspiring.  The girls on the team are filled with ideas.  Good job!
I wanted to say about Sherrel, this woman is filled with energy and patience.  She is just radiating God’s love.  God bless her job.  Rich always wisdom and mentoring. Because of him the children saw another type of life and they will know that there are people who love them with all of their hearts.
Big thank you for everyone who helped with this camp.  Your financial support helped to sow God’s love in children’s hearts.
I know that most of the children repented with all of their hearts.  They allowed Jesus in their hearts.  It is work of all team, people, that were working in the camp, people who financed this camp.  You are a blessed people and I am very glad that I meet you in my life path.
Lena, Pastor’s wife from Eastern Ukraine
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.