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Spring 2004 -
This orphanage had babies in cribs and children up to the age of four. When the suitcase was empty some of the children decided to climb in. The thought crossed my mind to just zip it up and bring them home!!
Ternopol Kerch Sevastopol
Soon we opened up one suitcase and just let them dig, pick, choose, change their minds, take two, no maybe three. Some started a little stock pile. It was so fun to watch. Then we all just spent time playing with the children, interacting with them, smiling with them, loving them, hugging them.
The girls tried to visit the orphanage as often as they could. They had taught the children several Christian songs and they wanted to sing them for us. They were just delightful. Then two little girls decided they had a song they wanted to sing.  One of them really sang for all that she was worth, the other, I think, was there for moral support. But that didn’t stop the one little girl. An audience doesn’t come along that often and she wanted to take full advantage of the opportunity.
Our first outreach was a trip to Ternopol to an orphanage that we had not been to before. Ternopol is an 8 hour train ride west of Kiev. There were 4 of us, Chris Watkins, Vitaly Dudukaloff, Rich & me, Sherrel.
We had been given two large suitcases from Signe Grimstad on behalf of Interact full of beanie babies and clothes for this particular orphanage. We were to meet two young ladies, both of whom had been foreign exchange students (one in Newport) in the US.
As we were disembarking from the narrow walkway of the train we were met by our escorts for that day, Lesya and Lilia and Lesya’s father. Both girls spoke very good English.
We first visited a group of preschool age orphans. What precious little faces. They were so eager to see why we were there. Their little eyes were just shinning with excitement wondering what was in those big bags. We said our hello’s and asked what their names were.
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.