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Summer 2004
  I am so thankful for the blessings God poured out on the children of Crimea, the orphanage and camp staff, team members and The Least of These leadership team.
   The Least of These ministered in nine different locations during the summer of 2004. In the weeks to come I will share with you many more testimonies of team members from this past summer's outreaches.
Teams Camp Kosmos Kids' Crusades
New additions to TLOT staff
This past summer was also exciting with the addition of two new staff members. Alex and Sveta, along with their 2 year old son, Elijah, live in Balaclava, a town just outside of Sevastopol. I met Alex and Sveta in April when Alex stepped in as our interpreter in an emergency situation. His compassion for the lost and forgotten children of this region was immediately obvious. His working relationship with the local churches helped us develop and improve our relationships with many of the pastors. Again, we are so thankful to have Alex and Sveta as part of our ministry team. Following is an excerpt from an email Alex sent to me.
This summer’s outreaches was new experience for me and my wife, we never worked with children in such a way before. Sveta was happy because we ministered together in one team and spend all of that time together. It was the time of labor and it was a good time.  
 And now when I think about it, nothing but good comes up in my spirit. We've met new and old friends. It was amazing to see the response of the children, how they danced with us, jumped and waved their hands, and to see their eyes and happy smiles! BUT it's not only fellowship, new friends, joy and laughter at the dinner time, not only labor and sweat that counts, but we've been doing HIS work! It was the opportunity to touch children's lives with something GOOD, that comes from above. It was a time when we've been sowing the Word of God in and to them, through dramas and songs, crafts and puppets.   
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.