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Fall 2011 Belogorsk
Praise God for He is Lord of lords and King of kings!!!
As some of you know we felt lead this summer to change our plans for November ministry in Belogorsk Region. In the past we would have programs in about 20 Tatar villages, however, for November our ministry would focus on planting home groups in two villages that would grow into village churches.
God blessed us with His favor. There is an opportunity for home groups in 5 villages!! Three of the home group leaders will need to go through the 8 week discipleship classes. They are very excited about sharing the GOOD NEWS. Two of the villages have married couples who are ready to start home groups using the discipleship materials.
Please pray that God will bless these home groups, that the Gospel would be presented clearly, and in a way that can be easily repeated by others.  Also pray for the leaders, Pastor Yuri and his wife Natasha, Pastor Vonya, and missionaries Kostia and his wife Leona, that will be discipling the home-group leaders. Pray that God multiply His churches!!!!!
Home Group Leaders,
Ignot & Julia
Kostia & Leona
and part of their family
Pastor Yuri & Natasha
Home Group Leaders,
Sveta & daughter, Alena
(Maxim, husband not pictured.)
Pastor Vonya & his wife
Rima & family
Home Group Leaders,
Sasha and wife Vika
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.