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Fall 2011 Kerch
As we continued our fall trip we left Belogorsk and headed to Kerch. You may recall from my earlier report that the girls from Kerch were now in Simferopol and only boys are now at Kerch internot. We were not sure what we would find at the Internot. We were pleasantly surprised at how well the boys are doing. We saw many of the boys that we have ministered to over the past 7 to 8 years plus many boys that had previously been in Simferopol. We were able to spend high quality time with the boys for three nights. PTL!!
We also were able to have a great program at the Kerch Mental Internot. The kids liked the program so much that at the end of the program they started to ask for more songs that the team had sung at previous visits. It is so great that the kids remembered so many songs that were about Jesus. We believe that these songs continue to minister to them for years!!!! Good news is the team sang more songs!!!
We were also able to have wonderful fellowship with Pastor Frolov and Pastor Homenko. They are both strong Christian leaders in the Kerch community.
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.