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Summer 2011 Belogorsk
The time in Belogorsk again was very special. As we held programs in kindergartens, Kids Clubs and villages God’s favor was very apparent. Staff and children alike did not want us to leave. I believe our prayers before the programs were answered: Lord Jesus, give everyone at our programs eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to understand and receive the GOOD NEWS OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST.
Puppets, Skits, and Games
The Belogorsk Team
We also shared at Pastor Yuri’s church on two Sundays. On Sunday July 17th, God’s presence was so powerful. People were broken before the Lord. Lives were changed. God’s healing salve touched all of our lives.
The Kids
The Least of These partnership with Pastor Yuri is a huge blessing for us all. I am anxious to see what God is going to do here in the Belogorsk Region in the future. Vitalik, Yuri, and myself all sense God’s direction to spend more time helping develop/start local churches and home groups. In November we plan to spend more time fellowshipping with local believers, mentoring, discipling and working on  new believers and marriage counseling classes.
Mental Internot, Programs, Praying
It rained
Visiting Friends
Thank you for all your prayers and financial support.
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.