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  This camp was a huge blessing for me.  I am happy and thankful to God that he gave me this opportunity to minister to these girls.  In these 10 days I saw work of the Holy Spirit and how God was changing hearts.  All the love God gave me I was trying to give to these children.
  The first time that I personally heard about God was in a Christina camp when I was 8 years old, the same age of the girls in my dorm.  People were planting seeds in my heart and they grew.  The same seeds have been planted in the girls hearts with hope that these seeds will one day grow and produce fruit for the Kingdom of God.  Even if only one girl comes to God it will be worth the effort of this camp because to God each soul is valuable.
  When we talked to the girls about God they said they were happy to listen.  I don’t know what the future is for these girls but many of them said they wanted to change their lives, go to church and know God.
  Praise be to God for those who support this camp.
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.
Thank you