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  Hello, my name is Oxsusha.  I am 16 years old.  This year I had an opportunity to be a volunteer for the camp for girls.
  In the beginning it was hard for me to fellowship with them because I never had knowledge of how to have a relationship with these children.  But I knew that our God is almighty and he gives wisdom for how to act.  All of these days he was filling us with his love that we would be able to share it with the girls because they really need it.
  Thanks to God for you, for your open heart that are ready to sacrifice.  
Without you and our Almighty God we would not witness all these miracles.  Hearts, way of thinking, world view were changing in all of us.  When you see how lives are changing you understand that all this work and sacrifices are not in vain.
My wish is that this camp would continue for a long time because there are many broken hearts which God will be able to heal through your sacrifices and our work.
May God bless you!
Oxsusha (Sergey’s daughter)
Oksusha 1
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.