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The Least of These ©2003 -
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The Least of These All Rights Reserved.
everything because it is priceless in God’s eyes.
  May the Lord reward you with his mercy and love for your obedience and sacrifice!!!
  Peace be unto you!!!  My name is Valera.  I am very thankful to God and to you who helped support this camp.
  Very pleasing to see work of the Holy Spirit in hearts of the girls.  A lot of them changed and began to look at life differently.  Here is one of the letters that I received.
Hello my secret friend,
I am thankful to you for all that you did for me.  I will always remember and will never forget, you opened my eyes and I understood a lot.  Thank you.
Your secret friend.
  This is one of the examples.  Thank you that you were obedient to God’s will to pray for this camp and of your financial support.  Even one saved life is worth
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.