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Some of the girls already made a decision to change their lives and not live with old life but to minister to God.  This is a miracle.  This is the reason why we ministered to them here that they would be saved.
Big thank you that this camp was held.  Maybe girls will not have other opportunity to hear about God’s love to them and about salvation.
Hello everybody.  My name is Nastia.  I am 17 years old.  It is my first time in the camp.  I am happy that I was invited to minister here and to be part of a big team and family who ministers to children.
In this ten days I saw a lot of miracles.  God was doing big work here.  I felt that he was always close to us because without him nothing could be possible.  We were not able to give anything to these girls by our own strength.
Sometimes we had such a feeling that God takes them into his hands, takes out old, poor hearts full of offences and disappointments and gives them new, clean hearts.
Girls heard the gospel and now they have good seed in their hearts that will grow someday.  Maybe years will go by before they grow.  They will change because God is able to do everything.
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.