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Thank you to those who supported me and the girls. It was so great. For me it is hard to explain how good it was. Thank you
everybody. Thank you Rich, Sherrel and Vitalik. You all are an intricate part of the ministry.
I live in Simferopol and that is where the girl’s internot is located. I am so
thankful to God for the things he did in the camp.
This is my first year in the camp and the first time that I ministered with The Least
of These. It is a huge blessing for me and for the team as well. I will always be
thankful to God for this opportunity and that I am in God’s ministry plan. I know
that he planned it for me and for the girls. I will always be thankful. Let Him be
glorified for His acts.
I was invited to come to the camp only a few days before it opened. Before I
received the invitation to join the camp I had been praying that God would use me in
his ministry and I would be able to help him. God did a miracle and I was invited. I
will try to do everything that Jesus wants me to do with joy in my heart.
By Rich’s words I understood why I was here. Many of the girls came closer to
him. Our team was so pleased. Many of the girls gave their hearts to God and
agreed to go to church with me. I think it will be a huge blessing for me and for my