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Hello, my name is Andrei and I want to tell you about the camp and ministry that we did.  Also, I want to thank you that you took part in this camp.
  I have ministered in Rich’s team for two years now.  For me it is a privilege to minister to these children.
  Things that God did this year are miracles.  Children opened their hearts for Christ.  A lot of them made a decision to follow God and to live different lives.  They became more open.
  In the beginning of the camp they didn’t want to listen to us but at the end they were asking to pray for them and they were also praying for each other.
  I thank you for your prayers and financial support.  I ask you to continue praying with us for these children because now they will have hard time of staying focused on the Lord because of their difficult life.  They need to be prayed for and support.
  I am worried for their future that the Word that was sowed into them would grow and not be stolen by the Devil.
  With respect and best wishes from Ukraine.
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.