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Pastor Allan
  Greetings to you, my dear brother! I want to say thank you one more time that I was able to minister with you all these days. We are still living with memories from camp, team and children that we befriended. As Rich had promised, after such victories the time of troubles came and on the way home we had a flat tire and then a second one. We were driving more than one day to get home, but all of this fades in comparison to the victory that God did in the children’s hearts. We were the participators of this victory. Leaving the camp I really lived through that feeling which the disciples were talking about after meeting with Jesus on the road to Emmaus, "does not our heart burn when He spoke to us." I understood how it was burning in my heart during camp from His presence.  Ok, now the letter about camp:
  In the first day when we arrived at the camp I read on the gates the name of Camp HOPE. I joked last hope, but it appeared that for many children this camp was the last hope because they were almost 18.  
   What I want to say about my helplessness. Not my criminal past, not my 19 years of faith, not 7 years being a pastor didn’t help me in my relationship with these children.
I understood that I need to forget all my experience and ask for God’s wisdom for ministering to those kids and show them love and character of God. Actually I never saw so much rebellion and indifference and disrespect in these teens. They saw in each person an enemy. The result of the teamwork driven by the Holy Spirit you can note with one phrase which one teenager, Ruslan said, ”You are my family.” I was weeping when he said these words. I want to say thank you to Rich and Sherrel for this example of ministering and strict but correct and gentle mentoring. I want to testify before the Lord and the people who invested in this ministry that every cent was an investment in the Kingdom of God.
Pastor of church “Gates of Heaven”
Beslan, Russia
Allan Bedoev
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.