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A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.
This camp it was a good opportunity. Children were changing and it was a blessing for me. This time changed me. My visions and God opened His heart bigger for me, His Father’s heart. On each Bible lesson I was feeling God’s presence. And I heard how Father was talking, how they were loving Him. And how He wants to be close to them and that they allowed Him to be their Father. I thank you God for this opportunity to minister to the children, answer their needs and give them God’s love. Through this camp God’s kingdom acquired many souls, faith and strength was renewed. Some received care and support. Praise the Lord! That I could share with you my experience in God, my faith, and testify in the hearts of those with whom I have relationships. A big thank you to God and to those who helped make this camp. Thank you! It left a big mark in my life and heart. Too it was a good rest, it was joyful and interesting.
With God good working in team which was ministering in that time. All was different but God made from us one whole. It was a pleasant time. Lena Federova