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  If it was not for the Lord’s grace this camp was not possible. This year at River of Joy camp we had one of our most difficult camps ever in our history. We had to face problems of spiritual warfare, children were disobedient and team malfunction. Each day was a challenge to take another step further. But thanks to the Lord’s love and your prayer support we had a successful completion. Children had experienced the touch of the Lord on their lives. Some came to Jesus for the first time, some recommitted their life again. And if only one of the 44 kids had done this I would say that our camp was not in vain.
  I want to say thank you so much for your prayers. I felt the need  for help more than I ever experienced before. Your support was one of the strong
Vitalik Dudukaloff
Ukrainian National Director
reasons for our success here. Thank you for financial support. I just cannot say thank you enough for what you are doing for our ministry. We appreciate the fact that you exist and are obedient to what the Lord tells you to do. God bless you and have a wonderful victory of God in your life.
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.