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  Thank you God for this time that I spent in the camp. Thank you to the people who organized this camp and who financed it and who was praying for it and who was working here. This camp gave me many things, showed me my plusses and minuses, in what I still need to change. How God is perfect and we are not. When I arrived in this camp I thought that I can teach children love, but they gave me big love which God showed me from them. This camp did many things in their lives, some changed a lot and some changed a little, but I believe that this seed that God planted in their hearts will grow.
   God showed me and gave me big family (the team) which was working like a whole mechanism. Before I never worked with kids that didn’t have families and maybe didn’t understand their feelings, and now I started to understand them with more compassion and love.  
  This camp showed me real life with problems. My problems seemed to me so small. When I saw how children were coming to God my faith was growing. Before I never thought that I could work with kids even with those who need more of God’s love. But God takes weakness to praise Himself. First of all, I want to say thank you to the people who were praying for the camp, because prayer can do everything. One more thank you for sponsors of this camp. Without you camp never would have happened. Thank you for this pleasant time in God’s presence. Thank you God for everything! I love you all! Amen! I am very glad God changed my life and please pray for me!
Church “Gates of Heaven”
Beslan, Russia
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.