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Pastor Vitaly
My beloved brothers in Christ,
  For you who helped support and finance this trip, Rich and Sherrel, thank you God for your work in the blessed way of God.
  Thanks to God and you we told children about God in the camp. But all started from those who I believe obey God and blessed us with all we need for the ministry. You first and very important participants of God’s plan for salvation many of the children who received Jesus Christ. A very big thank you, without you this trip would never have happened. I don’t know you and have never seen you but I am thankful to God for you and may God bless you more that you will be glad. I hope you’re blessed and that your sacrifice will always minister to God. May Jesus name will be glorified. Amen.
Pastor Vitalik
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.