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The Least of These All Rights Reserved.
Jason Ko
  What can I say, this camp is awesome to those who need God. My experience here was unbelievable, and it breaks my heart to leave these kids. I’ve built relationships so strong, it feels that we are brothers.
   God has been moving through this camp, I see change from when the camp started. The Holy Spirit touched some of the kids I was ministering to. It touched me to see some of them crying being touched and convicted by the Holy Spirit. You are doing an amazing job with these camps, they are effective and even though kids may not come to Christ here at least you planted a seed. You reach to those who are in most distress and hurt, those who need a TRUE FATHER and you are just obeying the call of the Lord.
  There is no doubt in my mind that these kids have been changed. Keep up the good work and be a light to those who are lost. God bless and thank you for giving me this opportunity to be a part of something great. With His love shown to those who need it the most you can do amazing things.
With His love,
Jason Ko
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.