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I am overfilled with joy. The kids are amazing. I can really see that we are making a difference in their lives. There are many relationships that have been made that will not be forgotten. I felt like the dynamics of our team was very successful.
We all have been able to make personal and unique bonds with the kids, bonds that the kids need. Through these bonds we have been able to share the Gospel and the love of God. The kids have been receptive to us and the things that we have told them.
There has been such a difference from the beginning of the camp and it is amazing. I am looking forward to see what God has in store for these kids. I believe that this camp has been used by God to empower these kids and that is something that cannot be replaced.
Thank you so much for allowing us to be a part of this impacting camp. It truly has been a life changing experience in my life and I know the same goes for the kids. I will also look forward to hear what other accomplishments this camp makes in the future.
With God’s love,
Benjamin Roybal “B.J.”
Benjamin Roybal
A ministry targeting young people around the world, sharing the Love of God in Word and Deed.