‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least
of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Matthew 25:40
The Least of These
Contact Us:
The Least of These
P. O. Box 312
Toledo, OR 97391
Phone: (541) 961 3350
Bicycle trip
rivers and lakes!
17-23 August 2018
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Day of Plesetske
This is a celebration of community of the town Plesetske. Every year local
authority organizes official ceremony with songs, performances, and
some amusement rides for children. We decided to organize our “Light”
club booth to serve people and children of our community.
15 September 2018
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Thanksgiving day
season with church service, banquet, dancing, and games.
14 October 2018
Christmas program
Christams in the “Light” club did not go without not being noticed.
Children and teachers gathered on Saturday to celebrate the birth of
Christ. They played games and danced together. Finally, each child got a
present with sweets and fruits.
05 January 2019
“Light” club news
This year every club has a theme with specific Bible verse. Kids learn
about forgiveness, honesty, friendliness, etc. As a new addition to our
club we give out “club passports” to kids that contain their photo
information about them and their achievements in the club.
10 March 2019
Read more
International women’s day
For the closest church service to March 8th men prepared a special
program for women. All church service was led by men and women
were able to sit back and rest. Finally, each of them got flowers and
special wishes!
10 March 2019
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Kids and youth club
For three weeks Vitaliy and Marina are gone to meet people that
support club. Meanwhile, this past week 20 children came to enjoy fun
and knowledgeable time in the club. In addition, evening was marked
with youth group and tasty ice-cream.
16 March 2019
Saturday club and Boom youth
While weather in Ukraine is getting warmer every week some of club
activities move outside. Youth group recently had a monthly meeting
with fun games, tasty food, worship time, and insightful message.
16 March 2019
Cleaning day
Last Saturday “Light” church and club gathered for a cleaning day in the
village of Plesetske. We divided in to 5 teams to gather as much trash as
we can. At the end of the day we finished with more than 60 bags of
different type of trash!
23 March 2019
Easter celebration
This Sunday “Light” church with friends and all Ukraine celebrated
Easter!!! We gathered to worship Jesus and spend this time
remembering what He has done for us. After church God blessed us
with amazing weather so everyone who wanted went to a picnic in the
2 May 2019
Benches for the summer camp
On Saturday we had an unusual youth group. We gathered with boys to
build benches, which we can use in our summer camp. The time goes
fast so we decided to start the process of preparation. After completing
our job we had snacks and tea together.
3 May 2019
“Light” club and wooden guns
This Saturday children in the club learned to dream like Joshua and
Caleb did, made bracelets with compass and did many other activities!
After that youth with leaders each created a dummy gun for pirates skit
in the upcoming summer camp.
8 May 2019
Summer camp conference
Last week five members of our "Light" team went for a three day
conference for summer camp leaders. Each of them studied particular
section of summer camp. Each day they had 6 hours of classes, chapel,
and free time.
24 May 2019
Saturday light club
On Saturday kids gathered in the “Light” club for another fun and
knowledgeable meeting! Theme of the day was “Supporting dreams of
others”. Children learned story of David and his support in construction
of the temple.
25 May 2019
Trip to a musical
Last week children from “Light” club that come on Wednesday went to
see a musical performance in Kyiv. They had a lot of fun! Apart from
musical they rode subway and walked around the downtown.
05 June 2019
Graduation in “Light” club
School year is over and as the summer is approaching we also
celebrated end of the year in the club. We watched video and photo
report, gave out presents, and children who were the most faithful
through the year receive certificates!
11 June 2019
Cleaning club building
One week till the summer camp! We are preparing and cleaning the
building for it to be ready to host 120 children. We have cleaned kitchen,
rooms, a yard, and prepared special crafts for kids.
18 June 2019
Summer camp 2019
Summer camp is over but memories of it will live forever! We had 115
kids almost every day of 5 day camp. Even though we had some
struggles God did an amazing work in the hearts of children and team
members. Kids loved it and their parents too!
02 July 2019
Club after the camp
After intensive summer camp we had a relaxing Saturday club next
week. Many kids are gone for vacations during this time but we gathered
with those who were still in the village, played games, watched photos,
and sang songs together.
09 July 2019
3 day bike trip
Our first bike trip this year! It was a 3 day trip to a lake with 15 children
and 7 adults. We played games, swam in inflatable boat, sang worship
songs, cooked food on fire, and learned how to live with each other. It
was a good time for kids to grow and enjoy living in nature!
13 July 2019
Team retreat
It is important to learn how to work and rest with each other. Team
retreat is something we wait for through the year because every time it is
special. Our retreat this year had many warm moments of bonding,
some funny situations, and a great atmosphere!
27 August 2019
8 day bicycle trip
It was a hard, long, but interesting bicycle trip with youth and teenagers.
Every bike trip is special, it forces your character to grow and pushes you
out of the comfort zone. Here are impressions of one of the team
members and best photos from the tip!
29 August 2019
Fourth birthday of the “Light” club
Last Sunday was the fourth year since establishments of the “Light” club!
Every year is unique and when we look back we can see how much God
has done in this short period of time. It all started from seven children
and today we have more than fourty of them celebrating with us. God is
10 September 2019
Olympic Games Exhibition
Recently an exhibition of Olympic games was held in Kyiv. All together
thirty kinds of sports were presented there. Children had a chance to try
each of them and get stickers. Afterwards they trated their stickers for
pens and notebooks.
20 September 2019
Day of The Village
Every September people in Plesetske celebrate day of our village and we
usually are involved with organizing activities for kids and adults. This
time we were there with crafts, snacks, drinks, games, and face paint.
01 October 2019
Trip to Lviv
Most of women from our team had a three day retreat to the cultural
capital of Ukraine - Lviv. They visited friends, beautiful old town, traveled
through dungeons, and had coffee in cozy atmosphere. They even visited
and old cemetery!
09 October 2019
Dedication service
Last week we had a dedication service for the new building. All willing
were invited to join us in this celebration and thank God for His
blessings. After official part and prayer everybody had a chance to enjoy
food and take photos with a beauriful photo zone.
15 October 2019
Thanksgiving day
Last Sunday “Light” church had a thanksgiving celebration. It happened
that next day was men’s day so we combined both celebrations. We had
a thanksgiving service for adults and children in kids club. After church
people stayed to eat and hang out together, which lasted until 10.30 pm!
16 October 2019
Visiting missionary
Recently we had a missionary from Papua New Guinea visit us and share
about their life there and ministry that they do. It was a great illustration
of true faith, which was the topic of past month in the children’s club.
06 November 2019
Last week schools in Ukraine went on a spring break. We decided to use
this time and went with the youth to play paintball. For half of us it was a
totally new experience. Although, it was unusual in the beginning and we
suffered some bruises from the shots everybody was extremely happy
and satisfied!
06 November 2019
Sunday service
Last week we had a good time with adults and children! Children and
teachers had fun playing outdoor games. Later they talked about sin and
God’s opinion about it. The end of the day was marked with communion
for adults and crapes with cottage cheese for children.
13 November 2019
Excursions are always interesting! This time we visited Ukrainian village.
It is an ethnic complex that was built in the place of a previous garbage
dump. We visited old houses that were transported from different
regions of Ukraine and observed their lifestyle and belongings.
05 December 2019
Weekly activities (Wednesday, Thursday)
This summer God gave the “Light” church its new home! It truly became
our second home and now almost every day different activities are going
in the building. We want to share with you about what we do during the
week and we will start from Wednesday and Thursday.
11 December 2019
Visit of Gideon brothers
Last Sunday we had friends from a nearby village visit and share about
themselves, their church and ministry. Some of them are part of The
Gideons International mission so they talked about distribution of New
Testaments in the world and even in Plesetske!
19 December 2019
Merry Christmas!!
“Light” church gathered to celebrate birth of Jesus Christ and remember
all the good moments of past year. The atmosphere of peace and joy
was among people. There were laughter, songs, dancing and fellowship.
We are thankful to God for a great year!
27 December 2019
January activities
This January was full of events. First, we had celebration of the New Year
with the youth. Second, according to our tradition we sang carols for the
people in the village and blessed them with food baskets. We also, had a
chance to sing in a nearby village.
29 January 2020
Shadow theater
Last Sunday we finally had a Christmas concert! It was very unusual
because we had our friends come over and show a skit using light and
shadows. Many children and their parents came to the concert and got
presents at the end.
29 January 2020
Church retreat
First ever “Light” church retreat! It was a great time of fellowship and
rest. We had opportunities to go to sauna, climb mountains and visit
local palaces and castles. Overall, we had a great time of unity in
worshiping our Lord and enjoying His creation!
07 February 2020
On Sunday “Light” church hosted a fair. Every person who came had a
chance to get one sweatshirt free and buy more for small price. Many
new people who had never come to church came to the fair. We hope
that all of them left satisfied and we wish to see them in the church more
20 February 2020
Samaritan’s Purse program
This Sunday we had a concert for second grade kids. We played games
with them, sang songs, showed some skits and a small visual
introduction of the Gospel. At the end of the concert, they had a chance
to sign up for a program that is made to teach children about God and
Bible principles.
27 February 2020
Outreach in Dzvinkove village
Last week “Light” church organized a family celebration in a nearby
village Dzvinkove. It was our first program in that village and not that
many people came. However, they all were happy that we came and
most of the kids signed up for our summer camp this year!
03 March 2020
Games are something that we usually underestimate. However, children
learn a lot from paying games. They learn to interact with the outside
world and other people. Therefore, we try to play with them and teach in
a fun and interactive way.
11 March 2020
8th of March surprise
8-th of March is an international women’s day so on this day men in
Ukraine congratulate all the women. Therefore, on Sunday our men
prepared a special lunch for women with restaurant service and tasty
20 March 2020
Vitalik and Marina are home!
Vitaliy and Marina have finally arrived home! Their journey was long and
hard. We want to thank God for keeping them safe in their travels! Also,
we want to thank Rich and Sherrel, who took care of them and
everybody who prayed for their safety. This is their overview of their
travels and adventures:
02 April 2020
TLOT in Crimea, Eupatoria 2001-2002
While we are all on quarantine, it is a good time for some throwbacks to
our history. A vintage video that we have recently found was shot in one
of the first mission trips to Crymea. It takes place Eupatoria in years
17 April 2020
TLOT in Crimea, Camp Hope 2002
Camp Hope has been a big part of TLOT ministry in Crimea. We have
seen it develop and become a beautiful and comfortable place for God’s
ministry. From year 2009 until year 2013 every summer, we have
organized a camp in Camp Hope for orphans or children from Muslim
22 April 2020
Maintenance work
While the quarantine continues, we are doing some maintenance work in
the church and on the property. It is a perfect time for such projects
because the building is free from people and we have enough time to fix,
improve, and build everything we want and need!
07 May 2020
Online Sunday service
One of the features of quarantine is an online service. It is a new
experience for us to broadcast worship and sermons via Internet.
However, we have adapted to the circumstances and now have regular
Sunday services and Tuesday worship nights broadcasted on Facebook.
13 May 2020
Quarantine is weakening
As quarantine gradually weakens and life returns to its normal state,
church has opened their doors for Sunday services and other activities
during the week. It is great to see familiar faces of people in the house of
19 May 2020
Phillip’s birthday
This Sunday was a great day for church retreat and a reason for such a
getaway was Phillip’s birthday. All church spent time together, played
games and had lots of fun. In addition, boys finally had a chance to
release all their energy in a positive way!
25 May 2020
Youth retreat
Last week youth group organized a retreat for themselves. Almost a half
of the group graduated this year and it was one of the reasons to go on a
five-day vacation. Uniqueness of this trip was that only youth and
leaders organized it!
12 August 2020
Youth retreat (additional video and
You can find here more photos and video from youth retreat. Watch how
we spent time by a beautiful lake, lived in the tents and had funny
moments together!
22 August 2020
Church retreat
Church retreat was a time of learning how to live together in new
conditions. Through these five days we got closer to each other, learned
more about ourselves and others. God had made something great out of
what seemed like a disaster in the beginning!
1 September 2020
Water baptism
Water baptism is the time of joy when denomination, age and gender
differences do not matter and Christians come together to celebrate
birth of a new life in Christ. This Sunday we had an opportunity to share
this joy with two of our dear friends!
1 September 2020
Family bike trip
In August we had a family bike trip – one of few events that we did not
cancel this summer. We took a short ride to a beautiful lake. Parents and
children had time to build their relationships and rest from home
11 September 2020
We are in social media
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Video of the family bike trip
Watch video report of the only bike trip of this summer. Children and
adults lived for three days together in tents and had to overcome many
obstacles on the road!
22 September 2020
Fifth church anniversary
This September we celebrated our fifth anniversary! It was not as big as
usual due to restrictions. However, we had good time worship the Lord
and hanging out together. We look forward to what God has prepared
for us in the future.
03 October 2020
Thanksgiving day 2020
This month church “Svitlo” celebrated a Thanksgiving Day. It is not a
usual year for us and for everybody. We had some low and some high
moments. Nevertheless, we wanted to remind ourselves how important
it is to be thankful to God for everything we have!
04 November 2020
Weddings in the “Light” church
This year has been a year of new families for us because we had 3
weddings happen in our church! It is amazing to watch how God bonds
two different people in one body. We wish them wisdom and love in their
new lives.
20 November 2020
Guests from nearby town
Visiting others or receiving guests is always a challenge. You need to
make new friends and step out of your comfort zone. Recently we had
church youth from a nearby town visit us and we had a great time
27 November 2020
Youth praises the Lord
We had our second big youth meeting with two other churches. It was a
great time of worship and fellowship! Different people from different
groups were united by the love of Christ.
22 December 2020
Christmas 2020
Christmas is a special holiday that unites people across all continents.
This is the time when the world stops for a moment and acknowledges
birth of our Savior. In the Christmas rush that surrounds us, it is
important not to forget what Jesus has done for us and firstly, celebrate
12 January 2021
Children ministry after quarantine
Due to quarantine last year, we have canceled many of the projects for
children of Plesetske. However, we continue our work with kids teaching
them Bible and helping them develop. We hope that this year many
young hearts will hear the Gospel.
20 January 2021
Trip to Karpathian mountains
Our trip to Karpathian Mountains was unforgettable! We tried skiing,
Ukrainian Jacuzzi, and many other… Together we spent four days in one
of the most beautiful place of Ukraine and now we have so many
memories and photos to go through.
02 February 2021
New activities for men
Since last year brothers of the Light church have weekly meetings for
fellowship and Bible study. However, this year we started something new
for men. We started to go to the gym and exercise together. It brings us
joy of doing something what we all like!
26 February 2021
Concert of a Christian band
We went to a concert of a Christian band from Moldova. We enjoyed
beautiful music and worshiped our Lord with a big crowd of youth! It was
magnificent and we hope to visit more Christian concerts in future.
03 March 2021
Relationships lecture
We went to a concert of a Christian band from Moldova. We enjoyed
beautiful music and worshiped our Lord with a big crowd of youth! It was
magnificent and we hope to visit more Christian concerts in future.
03 March 2021
Pajama parties
Men go to the gym and girls have pajama parties. No man in Light
church has ever been there so let us hear their experience and emotions
as they unveil what they are doing at their girl parties!
23 March 2021
First cleaning day of 2021
Finally, by the end of March temperature in Ukraine rose higher than 40
degrees Fahrenheit. We immediately organized a cleaning day in order to
fix and clean everything in the building and property.
31 March 2021
Youth conference
Youth conference that we attended and helped with was great! There
was youth from many local towns. We sang many praise and worship
songs, prayed together, listened to God and speakers. It was a good new
experience for us.
27 April 2021
Summer 2021 plans
We are getting ready for a busy summer! We have many plans and
dreams so we want to share them with you. Stay on track with our
events and watch for our posts with photo and video reports.
25 May 2021
Missionaries in Belize!
God has showed The Least Of These mission an opportunity to support
missionaries in Belize! We want to introduce you to their family and
share with you their testimony and our joy of being able to support
spreading of the Kingdom of God around the world.
22 June 2021
VBS in Belize
The parents, teachers and volunteers worked hard for many days to
prepare and put on the Summer Sunday School program - VBS. There
were about 33 children that had a wonderful time learning more about
Jesus!! Thank you Lord Jesus for all you do!!!!
07 July 2021
Kids summer camp 2021
Five days of children camp are over. During this short period, we and I in
particularly observed how God touched, changed, healed, and comforted
children’s hearts. We hope that as many children, parents, and team
members as possible felt the greatness of God in this camp.
10 July 2021
Kids summer camp 2021
Our first youth camp in Carpathian Mountains has come to its end.
Incredible 8 days in God’s presence have made their mark in the hearts
of children and team members. We want to share with you our short
summary of how it all happened.
20 August 2021
Bike adventure
We cycled 288 miles around Chernihiv region of Ukraine. From one side
it was an unusually easy trip for us but from the other side we had
unexpected difficulties that made this adventure truly unforgettable.
01 September 2021
Cleaning day - Belize
We had a day to clean and wash the indoor room for Sunday school.
About ten youths participate in the cleanup, after the clean up we
provide treats popcorn and juice.
28 September 2021
The last day of September
This day we had a pleasure to celebrate Thanksgiving Day and birthday
of the Light club. Unfortunately, it was also our last Sunday with Rich and
Sherrel. We remembered all the good that God gave us this year and
thanked Him for many blessings that we enjoy in our life.
06 October 2021
Repairing Sunday School room
Greetings in the name of our lord Jesus Christ my dear friends brother
and sisters in Christ. It’s so beautiful watching when a child puts his/her
effort in the house of the Lord God.
14 October 2021
Vaccine debates
Vaccine is the hottest topic in Ukraine’s society right now. Due to the
quarantine that has started last week, it affects everyone. Therefore, we
decided to talk about and do in the form of debates in order for people
to express their position and hear the other side.
11 November 2021
Checking out a camp base
This year we co-ran our first youth camp in Carpathian Mountains and
our team was set on fire about organizing our own summer camp for
youth. Thus, we made a first step. We reserved a camp base and made a
trip to check it out.
01 December 2021
Youth trip to Pivni
We have been invited to a youth group in a village called Pivni. It is our
first trip there and it went very well. They were very hospitable and nice
so we spent a marvelous time worshiping God together!
01 December 2021
Trip to Belize
Rich and Sherrel had a great trip to Belize visiting the local ministry! Also,
youth in Belize is working hard not only in spiritual activities but also in
making the world around them a better a place.
30 December 2021
Christmas festivities
December 25th and 26th have been two very busy days for our church!
On Saturday we spent almost all day outside serving people and
physically working. On Sunday we spent the whole day in church serving,
worshiping, and having fun. It has been a busy Chrismas for us!
30 December 2021
20 families heard the Gospel!
On Ukrainian Christmas, we visited twenty families, singing and
preaching the Gospel to each one of them and in fifteen homes, we gave
out food packages. Jesus opened His arms to the people in need so we
try to follow His steps in this.
26 January 2022
War in Ukraine is no longer a nightmare but a reality! Lord, be with us.
23 March 2022
Church update
It is a little update on how our church is doing during this horrendous
time of war. Also, we want to share with you a little bit about situation in
Ukraine and with Ukrainian people.
23 March 2022
Leftovers of “russian world”
Some men from our church volunteered in helping people who lived
under occupation nearly a month. Such towns are destroyed by the war
and leftovers of “russian world”. It is important to see these pictures and
hear these stories in order to understand what we are fighting against!
19 April 2022
Trips to Kozarovychi
Out report of two trips to a Kozarovychi village that was badly damaged
by war action. There we have been working to restore a barn house for
people to live in it because currently their house is destroyed and they
live in a cave.
04 May 2022
Humanitarian aid
Let’s talk about humanitarian aid. Ukraine has received lots of it during
the war. Many people donated, worked and helped get it here. However,
you might wonder: maybe it is enough?
26 May 2022
Stories of the war
Here are several stories from the people to whom we deliver
humanitarian aid. These people lived through the war.
08 July 2022
Camp 2022. Day 1
Against all the obstacles that stood on our way, we were able to have a
summer camp for children this year. We want to tell you how blessing it
was for children and us so go head, read about the Day 1, and see the
best photos of children and our team.
28 July 2022
Camp 2022. Day 2
Second day of the summer camp brought us a lot of rainwater that
threatened our plans for the day. It tested our endurance and faith that
God is in control. Apart from the weather, second day melted children’s
hearts even more.
04 August 2022
Camp 2022. Day 3
Every day brings us surprises and third day was another day full of them.
This day we talked with children about crucifixion and how it looked as a
loss in the eyes of disciples, although, it was a victory in the Lord’s
12 August 2022
Camp 2022. Day 4
Fourth day of the camp was the day of water games. Children loved
them so much that they even protested after we ended the games. We
had so much fun together with them!
07 September 2022
Summer camp skit
For the first time ever, we recorded and translated the summer camp
skit so turn on the subtitles and enjoy wathching the story of Mirabilis!
22 September 2022
Distributing humanitarian aid
Recently we organized a humanitarian aid distribution to the people of
old age and disabled. Humanitarian aid contained necessary food
products and detergents, which is what people need now, especially
those who are retired or disabled and don’t have opportunity to work.
22 September 2022
Trip to a modular town
Another trip distributing humanitarian aid. This time we went to Makariv,
where Polish government built a modular town for people who lost their
27 September 2022
Fair for the military
Ukraine continues to support our military men who are fighting day by
day risking their lives on the frontlines. We hosted a fair to collect money
for their needs. Everyone who came donated either something to be
sold or money.
07 October 2022
Humanitarian aid in local villages
We went to several local villages that had suffered from war recently.
Some people there continue to live in destroyed buildings, some don’t
have a job and can hardly satisfy their basic needs.
10 November 2022
Humanitarian aid in Plesetske
Our humanitarian aid campaign in continuing and this time we invited
handicapped, refugees and elderly people to get a package for their
family. Each time it takes from 3 to 4 hours and couple hundred people
to distribute all the packages.
10 November 2022
Spiritual retreat
We felt recently that it is time to have a little bit of rest and spend time
with the Lord. Thus, we stayed for two days in a remote hotel where we
were able to fellowship with the Lord without any distractions and have a
nice time with each other.
18 November 2022
Modular home
Our dream of buying a modular home to the family that suffered from
the war came true! Together with your help with purchased a new little
home for them. During the war they lost all of the goods accumulated
during their life.
18 November 2022
Blackout challenge
Our life has drastically changed since the beginning of the war. However,
with beginning of cold weather enemy has put us all to another test,
which we cannot fail.
29 November 2022
Kids Summer Camp
This summer we organized day camp for 125 children and a youth camp.
Theme of the camp was Super hero. We taught kids stories about super
people from the Bible, played games with them, sang songs, and had fun!
19-23 June 2018
Read more
Christmas concert for children
Christmas is a time of joy and celebration. This joy of the Lord helps us
go through all the troubles of our restless time. We shared this joy with
the least of these – children of military men and local children from our
17 January 2023
Christmas carols and fair
During the time of orthodox Christmas, we hosted a fair to collect money
for Ukrainian military. Also, according to our and Ukrainian traditions we
went on singing Christmas carols in people’s homes.
17 January 2023
Speech Therapy Seminar
We hosted a speech therapy seminar in the church that was led by Tanya
who is professionally working as a speech therapist with children. It was
an educational and fun meeting for parents who want to understand
how help children avoid development of speech problems.
22 February 2023